Strikes: should they be allowed?

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In modern society, where the relationship between employees and employers constantly changes, the question of whether strikes should be legal is becoming increasingly crucial. Strikes have a long history of being a powerful tool used to protect labor rights. From the demand for fair wages and improved working conditions to advocating for better benefits for job security, strikes have played a crucial role in upholding labor rights. However, as we navigate through the debate on strikes, we have to look at all sides of the coin; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

But before we start asking ourselves whether we should or shouldn't allow for strikes. Let us first understand what the word strike truly entails.

To strike, as defined by the Cambridge dictionary; is the refusal to continue working because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels, or job losses.

According to the Guinness world records. The first recorded strike in history took place in ancient Egypt on 14 November 1152 BC when the artisans of the Royal Necropolis at Deir el-Medina organized an uprising. The event, which took place under the rule of Pharaoh Ramses III, was recorded in detail on a papyrus that dates from that time.

There are various reasons for the legality of strikes, but I shall only focus on a few.

It provides a collective voice for workers, enabling them to raise concerns and demand fair treatment, ensuring that their voices are not silenced or disregarded. By allowing strikes, we uphold workers' right to freedom of association and expression.

It facilitates negotiation for fair conditions

in conclusion, strikes should be allowed as a fundamental right for workers by enabling workers to collectively voice their concerns and demand better treatment, it contributes to the building of a more fair and just society for laborers worldwide

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