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Hello, today I am discussing the popular debate on whether Artificial Intelligence is good or not. I chose this topic because A.I is something that has captured the interests of billions and has been improving since it was created. From computers the size of the room to laptops that can fit in a bag, and from phones that were heavy to phones that can fold, this is just a small example of how A.I has improved, and therefore it interests me.

Not a single person on this world is not affected by this topic. Sources have stated that many people love A.I because it helps them with problems that they would not usually be able to solve. On the other hand, some people dislike A.I because they think it will become conscious and attempt to destroy us.

My first ever look of A.I was when I got my first console. I loved playing on it, and I was interested on how it worked. In my opinion, A.I is amazing and has still got a lot of potential. Many jobs that are available today would not be here if it wasn’t for A.I. A.I should not be a thing to fear but an aspect of our lives that we should learn to embrace.

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