AI and How We Can Use It For Good

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

AI can be used for many different tasks such as completing assignments, doing jobs, and generating images. However, AI such as Chat GPT is often used so people don’t have to do work or write things in their own words. This has caused many people to have a lack of creativity, critical thinking and skill. Getting used to AI will cause us to lose many abilities. It has caused a lot of unemployment, and lots of jobs might be gone by 2030 due to AI replacing real humans.

Jobs such as cashiers, taxi services ,and customer services are already being replaced by AI. If so many jobs are being taken by AI, many people might become homeless and not have enough food to eat later in time. However, there are plenty of ways we can use AI to prevent the bad things from becoming worse. For example, we can use AI to find jobs for people and assist people in poverty to get the resources they need like food, water, and shelter.

I have also found out that teachers might also start to be replaced by AI. However, we can use AI to help kids have a better understanding of a topic they could be struggling with in school. There are a few more ways AI can help people with their academic performance. Since AI knows much more than many humans and it works faster, it could be a good tutor. However there are still cons, because AI can sometimes be inaccurate, so we’d still have to do our own research. Then, we can use AI while still using our own skill to do our research, because sometimes we can’t trust everything we read online.

In conclusion, we can use AI for good things such as education, healthcare, poverty and hunger. AI can even help us with climate change by, for example, monitoring how much of a specific resource is used. However, we have to be willing to try and make the planet better for us and for future generations as well.

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