AI education and jobs in the future

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

AI in future jobs and education


AI has become a massive issue all around the world in the areas of education and work amongst others. It is about time that the government starts talking about this topic more. Some people might say that AI is very beneficial and is a great influence in the world of education, business and much more. But other people in different areas might argue about the negative sides, like for example AI can be programed o do something but humans cant.


One of the positive sides is that in the future it might be really useful for schools to help children with homework. AI can also be really positive in the future, AI can help lots and lots of people in their future careers and to help pick their future careers .


But one of the negative things about AI is that it can be programmed to do certain things and human beings can not be programmed. Another negative thing about AI is that it can malfunction and can be very dangerous if so,for example AI can become very aggressive and can hack systems very easily.

My opinion

But in my opinion I feel like AI could be very dangerous and you need to be very careful while using it. so in my opinion i feel like there are more negative things to AI than positive things.