Ai in education

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

AI is a massive issue that requires a change in the world.I firmly believe that AI is taking all the challenges that we face,as well as the jobs.While some of them may argue about negative sites while some positive.In this essay,I will present the positive and negative effects of AI in education and jobs.

Firstly,AI is never tempted to make a mistake as they do their work professionally. I believe AI is going to change the world more than anything in the history of humanity.

Secondly,AI provides students learning devices to understand their strengths and weaknesses.AI can empower educators, accelerate learning, and personalise educational experiences, quickly and easily as it makes less experienced workers enhance quickly.

One of the main concerns is the impressional nature of AI interaction could lead to alienation,impacting the inclusive learning environment.It could lead children to cause serious injuries to their eyes and health due to only using devices.

Another drawback often mentioned is hacking due to lack of security and no protection from viruses.This can often lead to loss of money,depression due to any situation about loss of money.

In conclusion I think that it depends on the situation.

If the situation depends on benefit it is positive and if the situation depends on loss it is negative.It is our decision to decide whether AI is helping in education or not.It is our responsibility to take action.