AI in education

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Ai education and future work.

Ai education and future work is a problem.This topic is important because in the future we might reject what we are doing with Ai now,like some challenges,while some people may not. In this essay, I will present the negatives and positives about Ai plus future work and education.


Firstly, Ai education can be really helpful by helping you with homework or any work when a teacher or a parent is not there to help. Secondly, it can be really helpful for time,waking up and reminding, like Alexa she helps with everything just not inappropriate things. For future work, Ai will take over some jobs,for example packaging workers,coffee/tea makers and company workers.


One of the main concerns raised against Ai is that Ai is developing even more than humans, Ai will be smarter than us in the future. Another drawback often mentioned is lack of creativity and empathy.This shows that Ai lacks human qualities,limiting its ability to understand human emotions or produce original ideas.

My opinion

In conclusion, I am concerned about the future of our planet. I firmly believe that Ai should be stopped but not completely. ‘Why?’ May you think. All of my page is mostly about negativity towards Ai but some things about Ai shouldn't be stopped, for example: Ai picture making, Alexa and music making. For future work many of us will have to work for computer companies, Ai and Youtubers/social media, because some of the jobs that we have right now wont be existing in the future and some will be taken over by Ai/Bots.