Ai in education

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AI in Education

AI in education is a pressing issue that requires urgent action from governments around the entire world. I firmly believe that it is extremely necessary to ensure everyone is kept safe and I don't think this is possible to achieve with the help from AI. While some may disagree and argue that AI has a positive impact on many children's education, it is crucial to consider the long term consequences of inaction towards AI. In this essay, I will present the positive and negative aspects of AI in education.


Firstly, AI might be good teachers, and because they are computers they know absolutely everything. As AI is extremely educated with unlimited knowledge, children in the future will also be extremely educated. And there will be an incredible amount of job opportunities for all of the people educated by AI. Though I strongly disagree with AI in education, I do believe they have more knowledge and will teach young children the knowledge they have (which is an unimaginable amount).


One of the main concerns raised against Ai taking over education and many other jobs is everyone's health. AI is expected to take over many jobs, even medical jobs, for example, doctors, nurses and others. I believe a lot of people would not trust them to operate medical surgerys on their body. Another drawback often mentioned is the potential for uneducated children. I don't think there is much point of Ai in education as, what is the purpose of learning if when you grow up there will be no job opportunities as AI has taken all of them up.


In conclusion, I am concerned about the future of our lives. I firmly believe that AI should not be teachers, doctors and any other jobs Ai is not necessary in. Despite the potential challenges and debates of AI in education, the negative impacts outweigh the positives. Therefore AI should be discontinued in many jobs including education. By encouraging AI out of education, we will be saving children's knowledge and our lives in the future of our lifetimes.

Comments (1)

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  • Hi inspired_orangutan, your post is well-structured and well-discussed.

    You have expressed your opinion well. However, there are opportunities for you to think deeper?

    About your statement: AI is expected to take over many jobs, and you raised an example of AI operating surgery. Will it be possible that doctors (human) hands may not be as steady as a machine arm and human doctor may make mistakes/fall sick during operating a surgery?

    Let's use surgery as an example, if a human doctor diagnose an issue and design the surgery procedures, then AI power robots operate the surgery, will it be more precise and accurate to operate a surgery? Will it be possible if in the future, human and work with AI for jobs and collaborate rather than AI simply taking over jobs?

    Overall, thanks for your hard work! :)