AI in the future and the dangers

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Ai sora is a pressing issue that requires urgent attention and action from the governments around the world. I strongly believe that its necessary that people don't get framed because of realism AI. It has been around for a while but just recently it has been taking jobs. Some might say that AI is good for the society and education,some also argue its good for people who have medical and need days off so robots can do their work.


There are some positives to AI and robots like Chat GPT can make a paragraph for what you told the subject you want to write about.They also say AI can save us money by taking jobs,some argue AI is good for artists.However most say AI is good for digital assistance for malicious software(bugs/viruses),but theres also a thought about creating jobs for those in need like homeless people or ones who have a bad past and cant get jobs. From other peoples point of view AI can help relationship with family or partners by getting a Ai app to help them write a loving paragraph.


However there is also negative things about AI,Chat GPT has helped kids cheat all around the world instead of helping them learn.In jobs with robots and machines it is a lot worse then AI listing from 41 deaths in the USA alone. Elon musk one of the AI creators say AI is very dangerous due to its exponential growth and and possibility of its surpassing human in intelligence,Photomath/other cheating apps are helping people cheat which isn't helping humans intelligence forwards


In my opinion Artificial intelligence is a bad thing.However I also think it is a good thing,if the government had a malfunction on their computers AI could help find the problem and fix it. Artificial intelligence can help people get scammed easily by voice changers,over 3 million people in the uk (2022). I also believe that AI will evolve backwards instead of forwards especially with school and education