ai: used for childrens education

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I believe AI technology can be beneficial for education as it can teach subjects that are traditional teachers may not know helping children and adults with their GCSEs and other topics. However there are downsides to AI such as potential for children to not understand AI as well as they would like or feel less engaged in learning. Additionally AI can make humans lazy as it doesn't provide physical education at home.

For those who struggle more, AI could be a great alternative but for those who struggle more, they could still go to school for better explanations. This could have a significant impact on their future, A-levels, GCEs, BTEC diplomas, and diplomas.

However AI also has downsides such as: causing people to become too reliant on education and potentially leading to problems in the real world. People might stop working, consuming more electricity and potentially allowing AI to do all the work instead of doing it themselves.

Parents can help by explaining or showing how to do tasks on the AI website using Google extensions to prevent cheating and offering a variety of subjects for adults and children to choose from. Quizzes can be used to assess learning and focus and an average analysis can be done to check if students are focusing on their work.

In conclusion AI technology has the potential to revolutionize education but it is important to consider its limitations and ensure that it is used responsibly and effectively.