Artificial Intelligence and the future of our world

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I have chosen to create my standpoint about Artificial Inteligence. I chose A.I because I believe, that out of all the topics tapical talk has made us aware of, this is the one that will impact us the most in the future. As the next generation, it is in my opinion that we should have a say in what our future will look like.

As the worldis developing, we are beginning to see more and more artificial inteligence around us, an exampleof this is face ID, which we use to unlock our phones daily, this is because it is easier and quicker than having to type in a password. Although many people find artificial inteligence a good thing, it has been replacing many jobs such as, customer service workers and accountants. While this has made the jobs easier by humans not having to work hard, it means that people no longer have a job. Another example of where you can find A.I is in schools. Most schools njow have computers and electronic whiteboards, they also have homework being given online instead of on paper, which is much better for the environment.

I think that A.I should have limits so that it does not become a problem that we all have to face in the future, because yes it can help us, but children are already using it for homework, which means that they do not learn. Artificial inteligence will only advance but if there are on it, we can prevent it from taking over.

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