Combination of human and AI

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

With the passage of time and progress we are entering the development society with more challenges like fear about the AI future.

But AI is becoming the most helpful part of any human life.

I would also like to mention here that AI is the most important part of our education system.

Through AI technologies, educational institutions can create more engaging and can create a more effective learning environment.

It will empower and prepare the students about the success of the digital world.

Our education system can be more effective with the combination of human and AI.

So these both are most important in the field of education.

AI systems are transparent and its technologies have the potential to access the education to diverse learners and for those learners who have some disabilities like it can help them to translate and text to speech.

AI tools help the teacher to grading, lesson planning and in assessment too.

In the end, I want to say that AI cannot replace a teacher but with the combination of teacher and AI will be able to reshape our education system.