How I think AI affects the world

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I would like to acknowledge the positives and negatives .Affects of AI is something that has started to become real and very.Siourse AI is a robot that does things for humans and has the brain knowledge.Of a person and can even do jobes like sweep or even play a game .This is important to think about because it could possibly take over most things we people can actually do.I am going to talk to you about my personal opinion on the good and bad things about AI.

Positive things about AI is that it could help a lot of old people and also AI can help people with.Things that are quite difficult say for example you are an old person.And you cant clean your house because you don't have the energy a robot would be able to help you.And do it for you AI will help people in many ways say you had a cold and you couldn't go to work the robot could do.Your job for you that day but there are some bad things about AI.

We are now going to talk about my personal opinion on the negative side about AI.I think we will all buy robots think there amazing and.That one day they will go evil and will turn there back on us.Yes I know AI will help a lot of people yes but.It could take over a lot of jobes us human can do and are capable of.Like art it is now official AI can now draw.And do pictures for us and there are a lot of pictures and paintings that AI has created.

Everything I have said about AI good things and bad things.About AI I overall believe that AI is bad because it can really affect people as we know techknowledgey is incredible these days so I think having robots that pretty much deose everything for you is bad because people with AI robots will get lazy and wont do anything for themselves.And if robots did go away people would be lost and confused and wouldn't have a clue where to start.Because they would be so used to not having to go to work because robots would go for them and do chores.I hope if AI deose become very popular people will.Remember to do things on there own and wont get to lazy and ungrateful.