The future of AI education.
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.
Artificial Intelligence is predicted to take over the world but this unlikely as if they are programed correctly this will not ever happen.Another thing with artificial Intelligence is that it is smarter than the regular human being, this can make them be helpful in education, so then they can make education fun and exiting making them more engaging. Robots can understand special needs or if you need help with a question when you need it, this could prevent cheating with homework or other things like this.
There are a bunch of positives for artificial intelligence, technologist and researchers agree that AI has lots of potential and possibilities and how it is a formative technology. Artificial intelligence is so smart they could solve world wide problems which will probably take a while but will be possible, Artificial Intelligence is over all more positive than negative as Artificial intelligence will be programed to be helpful and understanding. They will take over full time jobs because around 300 million full time jobs will be taken over by robots so humans can do what their dream job is rather than staying in a office all day and night.
There are multiple downsides to Artificial intelligence as some people can not afford AI since it can be expensive to some people also AI can't be left alone as they my need oil or a recharge making sure they don’t get hacked as that could happen and in AI taking jobs this may leave people unemployed leaving them homeless and broke the last one is laziness, if Artificial intelligence is going to be the helper of the human humans will eventually get lazy and leave everything to the robot making them fat and no human touch since they will be lazy and not be bothered to even say hi to their friends or family.
In conclusion, I believe Artificial intelligence will be helpful over all but as long as humans still do stuff no one will be to lazy. I do agree that AI has a lot of potential for the future and the learning system will be unrecognizable from today. at school we should learn more about what jobs will be so we should probably learn a bit more about computer science since that will probably be the main jobs in the future, Me personally i am very excited for Artificial intelligence to be released to the rest of the world i would like to see AI in education as altho i might not experience it, the next generation probably will.
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