Are we really fighting back?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Knowing that our planet might not be able to be saved is quite a suffocating feeling, isn't it? The media constantly tells us that glaciers are melting, the weather itself is more irascible or that some cities are so polluted that you can't even see the stars anymore. It is quite concerning and it has an enormous impact on people's mindsets.
No wonder so many of them are visibly stressed and anxious about climate change. I have noticed people getting overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings. Some believe that we will not be able to stop it, due to the fact that not enough people are getting involved. That so often leads to them thinking that whatever they do, it won't matter.

However, these are just the people who have heard about climate change from the news.
What about the people who have been in a natural disaster? How do they feel? For example, in 1986 there was a huge earthquake, which was felt in 8 countries, including Romania. It happened in the middle of the night, while most people were sleeping. I have learned that many of them woke up when plaster started falling from the ceiling. Everybody was terrified. Just imagine the sudden shock, like waking up from a nightmare and realizing that it has only just begun. They were remembering the horrors from the earthquake which happened in the previous years. Some people ran outside wearing only their pajamas. Buildings collapsed and people were left without homes. They were of course offered shelter, but I think that they were still very shaken.

Luckily, in Romania there were only 8 deaths. At least that's what I was told. In my opinion, death is death, no matter the number. I think that we should consider that although our earth may seem like a lost case, we are still here. We still hold the chance to make a difference. I am particularly concerned about the people who simply read the news and panic. Are they imagining something worse than what other people have actually gone through?

Personally, I think that if there are people who can live their lives normally after facing such horrors, then maybe there is still a chance.
I think that it’s not too late to take action, no matter how small you feel your contribution may be. Small changes can multiply and make a big difference. Take action today by recycling, replanting our forests or cleaning our rivers and oceans. There is no need to plant a whole forest. Just imagine if every single person would plant one tree, or even just half the people. It would make a difference, wouldn't it?

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