
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Eco-anxiety, which is a serious worry about the state of planet Earth, is a rising issue in today’s society. Eco anxiety can affect anyone and this topic is important to me and many people in the world. Everybody should be educated on the topic of climate change and how humans impact this crisis. Climate change, damage to eco-systems and pollution are problems that have been caused by humans but only humans have the power to stop or reverse the damage we have done.

Eco-anxiety is a mental health issue that makes people worry or feel stressed about the condidion of the environment. People worry about what will happen if we don’t make a change and start to take better care of our planet. People are very concerned about the future. I worry about our planet as it is our only home and we need to stop it from dying.

In my opinion, I think that there are too many people who say they want to help or say that they are going to make a difference, but not enough people actually do. We need change now! However, the only way we will achieve change is if people in power step up and make stricter laws for big industries and companies that are destroying our planet by polluting it.

Eco-anxiety will be a problem for people of all ages until governments stop saying that they will make a change in years to come but instead they will make change happen now.

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