This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.
Hello! Welcome to my discourse or some might say lecture about eco-anxiety.Although its a very controversial topic which does not affect a lot of beings in the world but its still a topic worth talking about.
Other people also known as the majority of people say that it isn't a positive chapter but a negative instead it's an undisputable thing that affects young people's mental severely,but in my opinion about eco -anxiety is…
That is a positive thing because it motivates and gives people the determination to make the ecosystem a better place, it's like “you have to do something about the environment and the ecosystem.”
So to sum up the total of everything, I think that climate change distress is quite serious thing but also at the same time it isn’t because the positive thing about eco-grief is that some people even find new wisdom and strength after experiences of loss and also gain the motivation to do something about the environment with great determination about it and with your immense will power, you will try to achieve something that will change the world full of environment completely and make your name go down in history!But now the negative part is that it absolutely destroys young peoples mentality and giving them an overload of stress which could lead to suicide.
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