
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

My topic is eco-axiety , i think that this is one of the more important topics as we need to learn a lot about it , this was also my favrite topic as , i found it fasenating to learn about , as we need to be the chang but you cant be the change is you dont know what your trying to change, and when i see people protesting about eco-axiety and about the enviroment i think do they actually know what it is . Thats why i found it the most interesting because befor i did the lesson i knew that the planet was struggaling , but i didnt actually know what it meant , and now i know what exacly eco-anxiety is witch is why i chosee it and why its important to me.

The people that are effected by this issue is everyone because , we all share this planet and its all of are resoponsibility , but i do think that the younger genoration are more effected as they have live on it, and it will be are responsibility next, we nedd to fix the meastake made by the past genorations, but with are genoratin there are a lot of more people that are anctious about what will happen in the future witch is ok

My thought on this topic are that we can fix it but acording to 2 sorces , and there are 5.2 billion peases of plastic and thats what worries me because acording to gogle britten alone produces 2.5 billion metric tones per year wich makes me more conserned. But the topical talk seshon really cleared up my unrealistic thoughts on the environment wich has lead me to come to the conclushion of that.

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