
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Eco anxiety is a malicious and vile issue affecting many people's mental health due to the rapidly changing climate from what’s known as climate change. Climate change doesn’t just affect people's mental health it can also affect how hot temperatures are in the world, can cause more severe storms, sea levels rising and can even affect the availability of fresh water.

Climate change could be an issue for a long time, but the first step is to always take it seriously and help the planet even if it's just picking up some litter.

Eco anxiety can affect people in good ways as it is not something that can be cured like a common cold but instead it is simply a deep worry but a healthy response to the current times we are living in.

Eco anxiety can also help raise awareness about climate change and affect people to have them help the environment so the planet can be a better place. Scaring people into dealing with climate change can be good but have negative effects onto the person.

One of the main negatives of Eco anxiety is for peoples mental health due to things like rising sea levels, extreme temperatures and water availability which can cause people to have stress, disturbance in sleep, weakness and in some cases panic attacks. Some good ways to calm people down with eco anxiety is by appreactiving nature, take a break from climate news and maybe just take time for some self care.

In conclusion, I believe that eco anxiety will be a worldwide issue for a long time but if everyone can do their part and help the world be better place with much less pollution future generations and our generations will have a better future. And sometimes it's not always your fault it's also older generations fault for not caring and not knowing the long term consequences of throwing your rubbish anywhere can have.

Some companies that try to be eco friendly are Apple, Nike, ikea, Tesla, Unilever and IBM.

Lets hope we can all have a better future if we simply are all aware about the current problem facing us.