Eco-anxiety and future education.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I found the Eco-anxiety as the most important for me from all other lessins.I think Young people shouldn't stay silent! Like me Their fresh viewpoints challenge the norm and spark positive changes. As todays young pupil are the future generation they found that their current decisions, sharing their opinions allows them to influence the world they'll inherit so they are speaking up not only benefits society with new ideas, to aware people. We are made a group named RBM climate activists. We made posters ask people infront of our school to stop co2 emissions and to stop horn from different vehicles. Feeling Eco-anxiety, the worry and fear about our environmental problems.We are facing the brunt of climate change. But the lesson helps me to learn about it which are suppressing those feelings. This knowledge is turning my worry into action. Understanding the challenges we are trying to find solutions and get involved in making a difference. By this festival I gain many skills and knowlage . I gain knowlage about eco-anxiety,education of the future and future of work .I think its help me a lot. As my opinion,Education and the future of work topic had the best discussioned one. business and politics had most compilcated discussion and the Indian election is relevant to me.

Now lets talk about our activities again.

planting tree : From our group we plant trees every year. We are making a green and zero carban school.They help make a little climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Its helps us to reduse global warming.

We are using bycyle instead of motor car while going to school. Most of the time we walk. Our dependence on vehicles kills the environmental abd so we decided to do so. You know we don't have electric car and so we the group mates are using biclcye instead

Get knowlage: I think geting Knowing about eco-anxiety isn't just about understanding the environment, it's about empowering young people to deal with the emotions that come with it. Learning about eco-anxiety validates our feelings of worry, sadness, or frustration. I read a lot of book for geting knowlage about eco-anxiety.

Get knowlage: I think geting Knowing about eco-anxiety isn't just about understanding the environment, it's about empowering young people to deal with the emotions that come with it. Learning about eco-anxiety validates our feelings of worry, sadness, or frustration. I read a lot of book for geting knowlage about eco-anxiety