What can we do?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

  • We know that, eco-anxiety is the stress or anxiety caused by the concerns about the environment and climate change. It is a real and valid response to the current state of the planet. Eco-anxiety has been a very controversial topic in this time.
  • Some people say that we can't do nothing about it and loses hope. In other hand, other people think that every problem has its solution. If we try to find the solutionof any problem, then of course we can find it but if we just lose hope, we can't. Like this there is some solution of eco-anxiety also. Taking action, practicing self-care, connecting with others, seeking help of professional and staying informed are some essential tips to manage eco-anxiety.
  • I want to say that we, young people can't do big things to reduce climate change. But we can encourage people, all over the world to some cutting trees, plant more trees, reduce the use of fossil fuels, etc through social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, etc because nowadays, these platforms are being very popular. If possible, we can make programs around our surrounding for the people telling what's happening in this world?, what will be the consequences of climate change in the future, if we don't try to reduce it?, and other questions like this. So, they can also involve in reducing the climate change.
  • In conclusion, I believe that even our small help can maybe save the world someday. As the human beings living on earth, of course it is our responsibility to protect and take care of earth.