This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.
Immigration is an issue that needs action from people and governments around the world. I think people are allowed to immigrate and it's ok. I don't think people should have to go through everything that they do just to be safe. They should be allowed to escape dangerous places.
It also affects other people by their being a lot more people in that country and will be a bit over crowded. Immigrants might get bullied from being from somewhere else. There might not be enough spaces in schools for everyone.
I think they are allowed to immigrate to other countries to be happy and safe. Don't be mean to them, they were scared and had to flee their country to be safe. Just because they are immigrants don't treat them any differently to how you want to be treated.
I think it’s a good thing, let them be, they‘re scared from the stuff that's happening in their country. Treat them kindly; they are not used to the country they're in. or just be kind in general it's good to help people out and feels good
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