The Legalisation of Forced Deportation: Rishi Sunak's Rwanda Bill.

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Recently, the Conservative Government in the UK is attempting to legalise the mass deportation of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children to one of the poorest, unsafe and undemocratic nations in all of Africa, where opposition leaders are jailed, maimed or worse. Is this the country Rishi Sunak thinks is going to help immigrants and refugees start a new life?

The hipocrasy of all of it is that the UK takes in refugees from Rwanda because it is regarded as an unsafe country by the UK's laws yet plans to send anyone they don't like to this unsafe country.

Not to mention that our country has been built from immigration, with the Royal Family actually being descended from Germany. And the group before them descended from France. And the group before them from Germany. And the group before them from the Roman Empire, with many more in between. This just shows how much of our country isn't actually originally English.

And it's not just the Royal Family, many "Purely English" families are actually descended from these various groups. The UK stands as one of the few countries in Europe where refugees ars able to start a new life and don't fear about being turned away and sent back to the war-torn, impoverished countries they originated from.

Imagine you are a young child who has walked tens of thousands of miles through dangerous climates and countries, determined to start a new life and escape the authoritarian regime they have been born under, hearing about a mystical land called England, where people are free to say what they want and do what they want and live comfortable and prosperious lives. Only for it to all be in vain, as you are deported to a country just as authoritarian and impoverished as the one you were born into, or worse sent back to your country of origin to face whatever punishment may be ahead of them for trying to escape.

Is this the fate we want tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children who have the guts to speak out against their governments and escape the country they just so happened to be born in (something many of us would be too scared to do)?

Our country is known as a nation which stands for not just its own people, but for all humanity, regardless of nationality. Surely we can see how the Conservative Government is atempting to bring this all down.

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  • Yes, I strongly agree with fascinating _ currant's point. Great Britain is one of the most diverse and multi cultural countries in the world. People, refugees and immigrants around the globe believe there is hope in the United Kingdom, when big immigration decisions like the Rwanda Bill are passed out by the UK government they should think about the people, the immigrants who have risked their lives travelling from their countries both those running away from war and those escaping life threatening situations too like natural disasters and insecurity. A country's priority should not only be their legal citizens but also other people from different countries and continents who live and would like to take refuge in their country. Whether legal or illegal the government is obliged to see that these people live in a safe and conducive environment if not the UK. If Rwanda isn't a safe place, then the government shouldn't just decide to keep immigrants there because they came illegally. Millions of endangered immigrants journey across oceans and dangerous lands for safety and a good life, without even the thought of legal documents. I think the UK government should reconsider the Law they passed out to ensure that all these people are equally going to live safe and good lives in Rwanda. They should think more about the impact on these immigrants than the impact on the economy.