‘If prisons aren’t fit for purpose, then prisoners should be set free.’

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I will be sharing my standpoint on prisons. This is an important subject because a dangerous gang member is out and with the public his name is Jose Adolfo Macias Villimar and he is powerful.

Some might agree with this statement because there is no point sending someone to a place if they’ll escape. In addition it takes up time,money and resources for someone who isn’t learning anything.Lastly, why should prison staff work there if there is no point?

On the other hand if prisoners are set free then justice won’t be served to the victims or the victims family.Also they could be a danger to the public and could spike the number of crimes.

In my opinion I agree with the statement and here my reasons there is no point someone somewhere if they’ll escape also if prisons aren’t reformative why should you send them there?In the future I want to see safe prisons which are good for society.

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