prisons in Ecuador

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

We lernt adout Fito and what he has rbone. He has alredy bean to 5 prisons and to move him from one pison to anothere it to him 100 people at the least . When he exaped he killd 3 people whith hi gang and it is curently unklear how his gang memders are. What has dean thourt to happen is that the gards were brided or blak maild and they could hafe sead yess o it for meany bifrent reasuns.

A gards perspektiv is that "Whel , Fitos gang memders were blakmailing and briding what were we ment tio bo adout it and am i gowing to sacrafice my god or my famaly whitch one would you pick! " on the othere hand a police memders "Whel they should not have don that and ut was wrong dut if i was fast with that i would say, yes. "

Onicedly my apinan is that they need beter securety and prodely some secarity canres it is upseting what chys the gards pick but i see why.