The Consequences of Worldwide Crime

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Can governments around the world learn from issues in other countries? The topic I will be discussing is linked to an emergency in Ecuador. This issue has been around for a while, but the situation in Ecuador has certainly changed opinions. In the first week of March, a gang leader in Ecuador, who was previously imprisoned, had escaped from jail while still being able to make illegal connections with his gang. This has made me think, and my main point is that I think governments in countries around the world (as well as Ecuador) can learn from the situation. In addition to this, I think that governments in places ( for example England) should try to prevent crime, and limit the amount of people in prisons by putting more money and resources towards this issue. This topic is important to me because it can affect communities and many people (especially young people). Having a high crime rate in an area can be intimidating and pressurising for young people and can destroy communities.

Another reason is that many people including me have family in areas with high crime rates, therefore I think it is important for such dangers to stop being around. So what can communities and governments do to stop high crime rates? How does the situation in Ecuador affect our opinions?

If governments around the world learnt from the situation and put resources towards the prevention of crime and the amount of dangerous people being free from prison, our society would generally improve. Some of the positives could be that there would be less people in prison; which would mean less people breaking out and re-offending with even worse crimes. Another positive would be that people wouldn’t be afraid to go out and be a normal community. You can see the effect that things like gang wars and knife crime have had on society, and how places are becoming more and more dangerous to be in. As our world is meant to be improving and technology is advancing, why is everything getting worse? Crime rates everywhere are higher than ever, and this issue is changing people's lives; causing people to lose family and friends.

The disappointing truth is that governments are corrupt and it is something we are going to have to live with. Now, this is not saying that all criminals should always be severely punished even for minor crimes such as low-level shoplifting. This is just saying that governments are greedy, and some even fake elections for money. Instead of politicians pocketing money for themselves and being of no use, they should put money into something that would actually benefit society. For example in Ecuador, when the issue first broke out, many people were in danger.

Overall, my point is that even though not much is going well in terms or crime rates for us right now, if we still have faith in humanity, we can make small changes which can turn into big differences. We can learn from other country’s mistakes and in addition make changes to our own country.