Are Enhanced Games Fair For All?

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I think a lot about the different ideas people have about whether athletes should be allowed to be doping in sports. Some people say it's okay, while others say it's not. They think this issue is ignored because so many athletes use drugs illegally. Also, some people say drugs should stay banned, so they are able to avoid horrible things from happening.

Many people think that allowing athletes to use drugs to improve their performance in sports could be really bad for our games. There are a lot of problems that can come from this, like addiction, feeling really anxious, and losing weight. Even though these might not seem like a big deal, they can actually cause some really serious problems. For example, feeling really anxious all the time can make you feel really alone, really sad, and it can make it hard to get along with your family, friends, and coworkers. Furthermore, anxiety from doping can cause elavated blood pressure and other dangerous medical conditions.

On the other hand however, there are many people who think that using drugs should be permitted because it can make things more fun. There are a few good things about doping, like helping athletes recover from injuries they had before, making their muscles bigger and stronger, and a huge difference is body fat. It could also make things fair for all athletes, since they would all have access to the same substances. Some drugs that athletes take are made specifically to make them better at their sport. For example, things like testosterones can make muscles grow and become stronger by helping the body make more testosterone.

In my opinion I believe that using performance-enhancing drugs in sports is justifiable. This is because going over the recommended amount can cause serious health risks and even result in overdose. Moreover, some athletes may try to take to more strong substances to gain an unfair advantage, putting others at a disadvantage if they choose not to partake in doping. To add on, doping is associated with various harmful side effects that can lead to deaths and a bad quality of life.

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