Standpoints by students of Elite Scholars Academy A | United States of America

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Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy A | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
artistic_economics I think we should talk about the moral and psychological effect of wars in general on... Suggest a discussion 11/2/25
trustworthy_gooseberry I agree with opinion C the most. I think that because of how important doctors are in times of... Doctors and responsibility 11/2/25
emotional_bird I agree with Option C. Doctors are very helpful and influential people in today's society and we... Doctors and responsibility 11/2/25
trustworthy_gooseberry I think that it depends on what type of person you are. I know that a lot of people like to... Personal stories v facts 11/2/25
artistic_economics The most effective way to share the Russia-Ukraine War is through personal experiences and... Personal stories v facts 11/2/25
emotional_bird Disruption on the education system can be very detrimental towards everyone, whether in Russia... What should be done about education? 11/2/25
spontaneous_attitude It is not fair that people are conscripted during wartime. Conscription proves to not be fair to... The choice to fight? 11/2/25
forgiving_globe The war has impacted many people in different ways, one of which is education. As we all know,... What should be done about education? 11/2/25
forgiving_globe A topic that could be discussed about relating to this war would be the citizens' mental health... Suggest a discussion 11/2/25
idealistic_piano I agree because if this the story is just shared through facts and statistics, people will most... Personal stories v facts 11/2/25
idealistic_piano I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the British Monarchy and its value in the... Suggest a discussion 11/2/25
benevolent_donkey One of the long-term effects disrupting an education system has on individuals is that children... What should be done about education? 11/2/25
quickwitted_editor I would say that the long-term effects of disrupting an education system in Russia would have... What should be done about education? 11/2/25
exuberant_grape Greetings! I believe that the long-term effects of disrupting an educational system might cause... What should be done about education? 11/2/25
discreet_ocean I got a 4 out of 8. I didn't really expect to get a high score because I'm not that involved in... What do you know about the Russia-Ukraine war? 11/2/25
discreet_ocean There could maybe be a discussion about the elections that happened recently and now the... Suggest a discussion 11/2/25
benevolent_donkey I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how wars can affect climate change because... Suggest a discussion 11/2/25
persuasive_significance I personally agree with option B because throughout different times of war like WWI doctors have... Doctors and responsibility 11/2/25
persuasive_significance I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the Israel-Hamas war because my friend and I... Suggest a discussion 11/2/25
glorious_parrot The long-term effects of disrupting an education system can range from the decrease of... What should be done about education? 11/2/25