Are the Enhanced Games Fair?

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I have learned about the Enhanced Games and I have a very strong opinion. I believe that it is unfair. It is unfair because some people worked for years, put their body through torture, and ate healthy just to be a good athlete. They have put in the work to deserve their awards. Then somebody who put in no work and ate sluggishly simply takes some type of performance drugs / pills to win and somehow receive the same award as the hard workers. These people simply dope and win. It isn’t fair. Doping is the unlawful use of drugs to enhance or inhibit the performance of an athlete, racehorse, or greyhound. People have different opinions on the enhanced games. Some people agree with them, however, others don’t agree. Opinion One- Some people think the enhanced games are not okay and should be stopped because the people who take drugs gain a quick advantage while others train for their whole life to be a good athlete. Opinion Two- Others think the enhanced games are okay because they help people who are incapable of training or are disabled in some way. They think if this is the case, the Enhanced Games are fair. Do you think the Enhanced Games are fair?

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