Enhanced Games.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Introduction ,

The Enhanced Games are Olympic sports that involve the usage of drugs to help people perform better during Olympic events.These drugs can enhance strength , agility or they can help calm people down before their performances which is a great thing but if you overdose you could end up with serious damage to your health or you could even end up dead.

Positives ,

There are many positives to Enhanced games such as it would be more interesting and amusing or it could help the Olympians be more relaxed or durable before performing.

It could also just be a nice change and although it doesn't sound very safe Aron D'Souza (The Maker of Enhanced games) is working on making it the safest sport event to ever occur in history.

Negatives ,

My main concern of Enhanced games is that it can be dangerous and is putting people's life at risk and should be stopped or at least have some more consideration put into it such as maybe adding some rules to the limit of drugs they can take or a limit to the strength of the drug so it's still fair to all the Olympians participating.

Others' opinions.

I asked around for others opinions of doping in Olympic events , these were my results .My friend thought it would be entertaining but could be unsafe , my other friend thought it was a really good idea and is perfect my friends gardien thought it was unsafe and should be stopped for risking people's lives.

Conclusion ,

What I'm trying to put across is that it's unsafe and could take some more thinking, maybe rules but that in general it could be a good idea as long as it's still safe and fair to everyone participating.