Enhanced games if very fair.

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The enhanced games is a game a lot like the olympics but you can use drugs to help you. Drugs that help you get faster, stronger, catch your breath faster and more. Some people may use things that they need like somebody taking a pill to help them stay awake longer, if they pass out alot.

  • A disabled person may need to take a medical drug or something for them to be able to participate without anything happening to them. They might have GREAT talent but just can’t stand up for too long. Also somebody who is not as strong as somebody may need to take something to make them a little stronger so it can be fair. Somebody may know they are short may take a pill for 7 days straight to make them taller so it can be fair. But people who have won without having to take pills, may feel like that doesn’t matter and that their hard work has gone to waste.
  • In my opinion being able to take drugs before you do whatever sport is fair because like I stated some people may not be on the same level as other people so they may need to take something to help them get there. I feel like if a disabled person or something isn’t able to take what they need to compete, it won't be fair to them to compete against the other perfectly fine people. Also there have been many people who have passed out in the Olympics like Anita Alvarez. She was very talented at swimming but unfortunately she passed out or fainted while swimming, if she would have taken something for fainting she probably would have made it till the end, to like the end of her pass. So the enhanced games are fair to me and people should be able to take whatever they need to compete in the sports.

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