Enhanced Games: Is Doping Wrong?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Have you ever once thought or believed that there could be games where players are able to use “enhancements” to improve their performance in sports? A new event called the Enhanced Games is a international sports organization that allows athletes to take drugs for sports events to try and better themselves. My class has recently been introduced to these topics during our Topical Talk lessons, and this topic has caught my eye.

I have a strong opinion on this topic. I believe that athletes should not be allowed to use drugs for sports for various reasons. First off, taking any form of drugs that are not prescribed by a doctor is very dangerous and can cause health problems. During the lesson, it stated that disabled people use steroids, which would probably cause problems later on. Also, I think that taking drugs defeats the purpose of even playing sports, because sports show how confident you are to compete against others and to show off your strength, strategy, and more. I think it is not fair at all because if athletes are taking drugs to make them stronger, it does not show their natural strength.

People in the media argue that athletes should stop doping and others do not have a problem with it. Honestly, I do not recall in the lesson or other comments if doping should be continued. The crowd that think doping should stop, they think it is unfair to others. I agree with this. Some people in the media even say that all drugs should be stopped, including medicine. I can see where this is coming from, because if medication is used irresponsible, it could possibly lead to side effects or even death due to overdose. Also, some citizens can use homemade remedies for cures, but if a disease is serious, it should definitely be treated with medical care.

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