Should performance enhancing drugs be allowed in competitions?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

1.Should drugs be allowed in the olympics? A question many have asked. Many athletes such as Mary Okar Basley, Ashwini Akkunji and Mikko Ala-Leppilampi have been caught using these, making them perform much better and perhaps even win a few medals. I think as long as it is legal in the country it can be used BUT there must be a separate competition between drugs and no drugs so it is fair to both. With these 2 competitions a science experiment can be done by getting the 2 fastest and they race seeing how this drug affects the human body for educational purposes.

2.There are many different perspectives of using drugs in the olympic games. This can be good and bad in a way it will prove what the human body can do but on the other hand it might ruin or hurt someone. That would be bad for the people and its reputation. This can be good and bad but overall my opinion

3.In my opinion drugs should not be used in competitive games because you will have an unfair advantage which would make the sport for other players boring and they will probably stop playing because they would not be able to play well against them. A way to get good without drugs is by working out regularly and getting better at life.

Overall, I think that drugs should NOT be allowed in professional Olympic games because it will give all of the users an unfair advantage over all of the other people just trying to win for their country. On the other hand, taking drugs can hurt the human body quite badly if they are used incorrectly or too often. This could also be useful for scientists if they are trying to see how different drugs can affect people in things such as races, jumping or throwing. But overall, we all think that this would be a bad idea for professional athletes.

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  • Performance enhancing drugs are not supposed to be allowed in games because it's affects the body in many ways and it also make people do what they are not supposed to do in games . In some games enhance drugs are not allowed because it just like a cheat code . In competitions enhance drugs are not allowed if you are caught using enhance drugs s will be disqualified from the game