Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in competitions?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

What are PEDs?

Performance-enhancing drugs are substances that are used to improve any form of activity performance in humans. A well-known example of cheating in sports involves doping in sport, where banned physical performance-enhancing drugs are used by athletes and bodybuilders. Athletic performance-enhancing substances are sometimes referred as ergogenic aids, Cognitive performance-enhancing drugs, commonly called nootropics, are sometimes used by students to improve academic performance. Performance-enhancing substances are also used by military personnel to enhance combat performance.

My opinion

This decision can really affect Olympic sports because it can be helpful and harmful.

Some people think that this is a bad idea to allow this, others might think the opposite. Someone might think that this is ridiculous, but it might be helpful.

In my opinion this can be allowed in some sports, but not all of them. It depends on the sport.

Also it might be useful for somebody who needs it. But drugs are dangerous and can kill people, so this is not the best idea. It is obvious that definitely not all drugs would help. It can be unfair if not everyone uses drugs in a competition.