should preformance enhacing drugs be allow in competition?

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Drug use helps humans break past their limitations in sports, but it also disregards all the blood and tears of all hard working athletes that poured their life into the commitment (if they’re not able to use the same drugs, that is). This debate is an ongoing dilemma with biassed opinions. No matter how the rules change in history, no one will be able to

Come up with an answer that everyone could agree on, as there are so many points supporting both sides of this ongoing dispute.we shall look at two opposing viewpoints and decide which one is more reasonable.

From the perspective of the normal athletes, this might give the boost of energy they need to be the best they can be once they pass the limitations of what their body can do naturally, and to the people who work so hard but never succeed. This could be what they need for their hope to achieve something great. The impossible could finally be possible, and the future of humans can depend on this.

From the perspective of gold medal winners of olympics or world record breakers, this could be extremely unfair. They devour their time, their life, into one thing that they did so precisely, that could remain forever in history. Their progress would be gone, because of a boosting drug. Their work is forgotten, because no one will remember an no.2, as only the first get to shine.

From the perspective of us, the audience, we don't know what happened behind the scenes, we only know what is shown to us, on screen.we can give opinion about it but We can't be the judge for this, as we don't know the whole truth of what happened.

For my opinion, I think they shouldn’t take pills or drugs for sports. It destroys people's hard work so swiftly and noticeable. If you fail, try again, train harder. You never know how much more they have trained than you,so instead use them as a goal to reach their level and surpass them.

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  • I think that doping shouldn't be allowed because it brakes athletes limits in unnatural way. Also doping can cause hypertension, heart attacks, thyroid problems and many other problems to athletes body. And it can lead to adiction to drugs, where athlete feels like they can't be good in sportwithout using it.

    1. I will want to ask you gracious mango if it really can lead to drug addiction when the spectators
      don't really know if the athletes really took the pills and how does it really cause hypertension to the spectators?