This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

The topic I found the most interesting and appealing is the Enhanced games, as there are a lot of pros and cons that should come to our minds.


First of all, there are a lot of reasons why the Enhanced Games are good and should be approved: people can follow their dreams and experience playing in the olympics; It may attract more people to watch as it would be interesting to see a professional against a person that just took performance enhancing drugs to become close to their level, which would give the people who invented the enhanced games more money; it boosts people’s confidence for sports; people can earn money for their skills' when winning in the enhanced games and scientists can find out the limit for the best performance.


On the other hand, there are a lot of statements to why the Enhanced games shouldn’t go on: drugs can be quite dangerous physically and mentally if you take too much or even one; it would be quite unfair for people that spent their whole life dedicated to a specific sport and get beaten by someone who just took some P E D (performance enhancing drugs) and some coaches may force their group that are participating, to have more and more drugs so that the country can win the olympics.

To conclude, my opinion is that the enhanced games should not be approved as it is too risky when performing enhancing drugs are involved, even though there are a lot of reasons as to why it should, safety should come first for the participants. Just because you are not participating, doesn’t mean you should not get involved in this’ drugs not permitted olympics’.You have the right to take action for other’s safety, and yourself.Remember that reader.