The Enhanced Games: Fair or Unfair?

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The enhanced games is an event where performance enhancing drugs are permitted. Performance enhancing drugs are substances that improve the overall skills of the athlete. This is known as “doping”. The Olympics originated in Ancient Greece 3000 years ago. A modern version of these games was introduced in 1896 by Pierre de Coubertin. They happen every 4 years, to push athletes to their limits in a series of sporting competitions. The enhanced games were created by billionaire Peter Thiel.

The Enhanced Games are dangerous because of the risks of taking drugs, they could pose a huge threat to the athlete’s health. On the other hand, it could be fair because everyone competing is most likely taking drugs, so it would be a level playing field. “We believe that science is real and has an important place in supporting flourishing. There is no better forum for highlighting the centrality of science in our modern world than elite sport.” According to Dr Aaron Ping D’Sowza (president of the enhanced games). It is well known amongst its supporters that the Enhanced games pays athletes their fair share, this is important because normally the different nations get paid different amounts but also because many athletes are living in poverty. Performance science has only been stifled in the last 5 decades. Why did it have to stop? Why did we not continue? Also it has been recorded that early athletes used performance enhancers, why can’t we?

Now I want to talk about why it is unfair. It is a common belief that sports should be fair and should be without doping. Drugs used by athletes undermine the principles of hard-work, teamwork and fair competitions. Athletes should be relying on natural instead of artificial talent.

In my opinion, the Enhanced Games are completely fair. This is due to the fact there is no point in joining an all drugged competition unless you are prepared to use drugs. This is a go to for athletes wanting to use drugs because of the enhancing substances being permitted. It is thought that 44% of athletes use drugs but only 1% of those get caught. Maybe those athletes could turn to the Enhanced Games.

After reading these for and against arguments, which side appeals to you?

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