The enhanced games is unfair.
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.
The Enhanced Games is extremely unfair to just anyone in general. All athletes should work hard to be skilled.. It should be cared about how some people are taking drugs to win in the olympics. People who take performance-enhancing drugs are risking to get dangerous side effects from the performance-enhancing drugs they are taking, too. They are also breaking the rules of the olympics. as steroids are banned. Plus, it's unfair to the athletes who genuinely try.
In the perspective of an athlete who doesn't take any performance-enhancing drugs in the olympics, they'd feel upset and unhappy. From the fact that people are cheating in the olympics, it makes sense why they would be upset. Those athletes who don't take the performance-enhancing drugs would feel their skill had gone into waste, knowing that people simply took drugs and got to their skill. If I were in the Olympics and I trained everyday, and someone ended up winning after using performance-enhancing drugs, I would also have felt upset about this. Using performance-enhancing drugs in general is just very unfair to those who put effort.
Like probably what a lot of other people think, using drugs like these is very wrong. It is unfair for everyone who's participating.
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