Woman in the media
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.
My standpoint topic is about women in the media. I believe that this topic is important as women are often underrepresented, sexualised and are not treated fairly while men aren't, instead they are treated with respect and authority.
It's not just me that thinks this, my friend Balanced_Painting said “woman are underappreciated and their achievements aren't often celebrated luke mens achievements are, Women aren't treated equally and it's just not fair” I agree with her point because if you were going to buy a newspaper you would most .likely see something about a female MP who was trying to distract the men in the court with the length of her skirt while showing a photo of that woman with a skirt that is down to her knees, but if that was a male MP you wouldn't see anything of the sort.
The UK Parliament States that only 35% of MPs are women and sky news reports that Over two-thirds of women MPs have seen sexist behavior in parliament over the course of the last five years.
It's just not fair for someone to be treated differently just because of their gender but sadly it's the world that we live in. According to the The World Economics Forum it will take almost a whole century before women can expect to be treated equally with men. What do you think about this ?
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