Women in Media

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Women in Media is a subject that needs to be dealt with on the internet. I strongly believe that women need to have a voice of their own but equally have a responsibility to ensure they are seen in the correct light, for example they need to dress appropriately online. If a lady is making a Tik Tok and wearing a short skirt, and a tiny top, viewers may see more than they should, and some people will make comments like, WOW nice body shape etc. Luba Kassova said,“Some people might say,Men are better in being a leader and working while women are better at staying at home and looking after the kids” I disagree with her statement because,There are over 1 million people who thinks that men are better than women but that is not true because women are better in their own way and so are men.

Some positive examples of women in media are: They save and help people who are in danger. In the video that Selam Gebrekidan made she said,“ In Libya,I had some access to some women who had ran away from the Islamic state.”Zanny Minton thinks that women are more independent on their own and more responsible than men.Catalina Ruiz Navarro thinks that women needs to speak for themselves.She also said in her video that they are constructing a safe space in their magazine for people who are being discriminated or prosecuted to feel safe and speak.

When some women decide to do some jobs that we think are specifically for men such as:Taxi driver, Mechanic,Plumber,e.t.c Men make some comment like: You are a girl you are meant to be doing some jobs like hairdresser, makeup artist and others you can’t do this job as well as us.This would leave the women sad and make them quit the job and have a hard time coping.Another negative example of women in media is: Back in the days young women will risk their lives just to please their husbands.To go deeper, young girls were sold to men by their fathers so that their family could get money but when girls were sold most of them were sold for older men to please them.

In conclusion,I believe that this need to stop because we are losing some of our fellow women.Here are some reasons why we lose them:People telling them rude stuff online and this might make them upset.Being told that they can't do some job and this might lead into depression.Being told some sexist comment about them and this might lead into sadness and want to be alone.With all my opinions i think i have made a good reason why Women in Media needs to be dealt with seriously.

Thanks for reading!

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