AI: a tale of two worlds!
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Hello topical talkers, in my own opinion, AI is doing more good to the world than harm. First of all, what is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence is a simulation of human intelligence into machines to do things that normally rely on humans. Artificial intelligence enables machines to learn from experience, adapt to new information and perform tasks that requires human intelligence. The advantages of artificial intelligence include:
-Reduction in human error
-Quick decision-making
-All-round availability
-Digital assistance
-New Inventions
-Medical applications
In as much as AI has its negative aspects and could be hurting our world, I still hold on to my opinion that AI is very important in our daily lives. Virtually everything that has an advantage, also comes with its disadvantages when it's not properly handled, and AI is not an exception.
It’s importance cuts across every aspect of our human activities, which includes the medical, agricultural, educational field amongst others. The coming of AI has made it possible for people to carry out most of their activities with ease, accuracy and within the shortest time frame. AI could replace human intelligence, take away their creative abilities, bring about laziness and eventually replace humans at their places of work, but this is where "Proper orientation and Sensitization" on proper use of AI should come in, to teach people how to use AI effectively.
In summary, despite the advantages of AI, it should be closely monitored because of some Inherent disadvantages.
Thank you!
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