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Written standpoint on AI

AI has great potential to help achive sustainability goals, but it also presents challenges that we need to consider. In my opinion , AI can be a very useful tool for improving the environment and managing resources , but we need to be careful about its impact on nature.

on the positive side , AI can help fight climate change and improve resoruce use. For wxample , smart systems can optimze energy consumption in real time, such as in smart grids and wnergy-efficient buildings.Aditionally , AI is used to make more accurate climate predictions , helping cities and companies tp prepare better for things like storms. In agriculture , AI can increase crop yields without wasting resources like water and fertilizers.

it is also being used manage wast , making recycling more efficient and reducing waste in supply chains , AI can identify areas where companies are being inefficient , allowing them to reduce their carbon footprint and resource use.

However , there are important concerns about the sustainability of AI. Larger AI models rqquire a lot of energy to train, which can produce a lot of co2 if the energy becomes from non-renewable sources.Also the rise of technology can lead to more electronic waste as resources are produced and replaced more often.

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