AI and sustainability

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Written standpoint on AI

First of all, in my opinion, AI and sustainability is a very important topic to talk about, because is now a days a very important thing in our lifes. Answering more or less to all the topics, AI is not harming our environment, but I don´t really think is making everything good, or having benefits from it. I think AI is good for our environment because is helping many people or more or less all of the students, doctors. scientist... I think it also helps in the waste of paper because using AI, you can repeat all the texts you want, you can ask questions, you rewrite the times you want something... So, is also good for the nature and the ecosystem. But in the other hand, I think is not so good, but not harming because is making some people leasier, and maybe in the future this problem can harm more. I continue talking about: who should be allow to used AI?, I really think that EVERYONE should be allow, it doesn´t matter the job in which they work, the necessities the person have, the conditions for using AI, it doesn´t matter, in my opnion everyone should be allow. And finally, we really need AI in our lives?, Is essential for us?. I don´t really think this is true, althought, many people use AI, I don´t really think is essential. Years ago, AI doesn´t exist, everyone search information in books, talking with other people, listening things, years ago we do things in our own without the use of artificial intelligent. So, no, is not essential, we can do everything we want without using it. But as I always said, AI is good and beneficial for us, but as all, using it in the right way.

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