AI and sustainability: poll results

We asked: is AI doing more good? Or more bad?

The results are in...

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  • Greetings! In all fairness, I do know everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I personally believed that Ai was doing more good than bad in the world. AI is currently an enormous part of our everyday lives and without it, we would experience a whole lot of change. For example, AI helps scientists when they are testing experiments and vaccinations. If they need help with calculations, or just a faster way in order to enhance their work ethic, they can depend on AI to help them, and overall benefit you with new cures and information. If someone has experienced bad with AI it likely involves certain jobs. I do think it is sunfair to be replaced by AI at writing companies or even factories, but this is likely for a greater cause. Business owners likely want faster production and in order to meet their needs, unfortunate sacrifices must be made. Even though this may be seen as a negative for some, this is more so a positive for others, because this can mean faster deliveries, or production of certain products they want. AI has its downfalls, but inevitably, their are greater gains than losses. This is why I am a little shocked from these results. Thank you.

  • This astonished me! It was very unlikely there was going to be a tie between thousands of children entering the Topical Talk Festival. I thought most people would have said AI is more harm because of the many facts we have been shown. For example, we know that it takes up as much energy to charge a smartphone’s battery to 50% as for AI to send one email. In addition to this, it is predicted that AI will produce millions of tonnes of electric waste by 2030. So, why would half of the children say it is good? I think it depends on the meaning of good; good as in sustainability or good as in productivity. However, the topic is called AI and sustainability so I thought it would have been good sustainably. Does anyone else feel the same way or have a different opinion?

  • This completely shocked me! I thought that it would be around 70-80% for bad and 20-30% for good as on another one of the topics - ''Is Ai more good or bad?'', I saw a lot more people say that AI is more bad. Although, I think that AI is good, a lot more people than I expected agreed with me. Ai helps more than it hurts so I am glad to see these results in my opinion.

  • I think that AI has done a lot of good things but bad things.AI is helping the world in many ways but if we give it too much knowledge it can eventually overpower us which is something that we should worry about but however AI could also develop its self.AI can be a very important part of our development as well because it can enlighten us with knowledge and help us develop in medical research.I saw in the news the other day that scientist has created one of the closest thing to a woolly mamoth and it was a woolly mouse the DNA was tweaked by the help of AI and now that they have created the DNA the closest animal to the DNA of the woolly mamoth is the Asian elephant and they could have a animal that is close enough to the woolly mamoth in 3 years.

  • I will say that AI is more bad because it can cause job loss,it make you not to be you think critically and you will be depending on them to think for you lastly it will be making people not to be hard working because people will be depend on AI to work for them