AI and Sustainability - What might happen if some can use AI but others cant?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I think that if this happens it could cause a riot of angry people. The reason why i think this reason is because if another person could use Ai and another couldn't it would make it unfair and cause the ones who do not have AI to start an argument with the people who do have AI to their dissposule. The first example i have of this is a doctor could have it and a parent can't. This is a prime example of unfairness because a parent may also need AI to search up a recipe which is allergie free for people with allergies such as heir kids! [ Searching things is an example of AI ] the second example that supports my opinion is a Forest Ranger or a Doctor. The reason why a Forest Ranger would also need Ai is because they have drones that use AI to find the culprits of whom are cutting down trees - our oxygen. Without Ai they wouldn't be able to find the criminals which are cutting down trees illegaly. Although if a Docter wouldn't be able to have AI they couldn't be able to perform surgeries. In this situation it would be best for both to have AI, right? So why cant you do the same with the parents and Docors example?

There are many people who disagree with me such as, the people who think AI should only be for needing jobs this is one example of why they would disagree and to put their words into simplifer words, "we dont want equality." . However i think my argument is stronger because it has lots of examples that prove my point such as The inaquality with the Doctor and the parent or if a Banker deserves more AI than a Doctor. All this writing shows that if you disagree with my point you disagree with equality.

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