AI and sustainable

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

i think that AI is useful and useless but elderly people might disagrees because thay have not really use it before. Reason one and supporting fact According to a study by scientists the global AI market is set to grow up to 54 present every single year.Reason two and support fact Artifical Intelligence is that it can significatly reduce errors and increase accuracy and prcision.Reason three and supporting fact. AI is expected to improve industrics like healthcare manufacturing and costemer service leading to high-quality expiriences for both workers and customer.

Elderly people probably might disagree because the expirince will be full with teconology.Theirfore,other people might disagree because on a daialy bases they just want too use AI for game and videos.But doctors and vets use lots of AI to scan bodies because if they don't then will die.I think that if we upgrade AI instead of the world the world might fall apart and then everybody will fall apart and be distracted by AI but if we help the world we will stay less focus on AI.

Even though AI is inttelligent and smart it might make you mad by making the wrong desicions AI cant see your emotions when your mournfull or excited.

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