AI and where we set its limits

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Written standpoint on AI

Our world is always moving, and with AI appearing on the scene it seems we are going faster than ever, but before speeding up we have to look into the repercussions of using these tecnologies. Massive data centres consume absurd amounts of electricity and water, not only this, they also produce heaps of electronic waste. On the more ethical side, AI producers have been found to steal millions of people's hard work to fuel the computer's comprehension, writing and even its ability to plagerize art.

It seems as though AI is a tool which draws an ambiguous line between ethical and unethical uses, prompting the question, is it right to use AI? The principal issue of misuse is the harm it can bring to humans and their lives, as well as their rights. The main concern is that AI has violated the right to decent work by taking positons like translator or graphic designer. Without the necessary restrictions, jobs such as these could disappear along with many others. We can also see an impact on education, AI can be used to complete tasks and cheat on assignments, making it possible to get the scores needed without actually learning.

Undoubtedly AI is a powerful tool, that is still relatively new, like all things we must set boundaries so that it doesn't negatively affect us and our planet any more than it already has. Of course, it is still a tool capable of incredible growth and innovation, but with this growth comes great responsibility on humanity's part to insure it becomes a tool of prosperity and not ruin.

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