AI future or not
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

firstly AI is thrilling but is a harmful electronic waste that can cause serious damage to the environment and should not continue . However AI is doing the job and helps doctors diagnose diseases faster and look into their patients and figure out what is causing there problem.Although it can help doctors with their patients children on the other hand should not be able to use it for they can cheet on test or on homework with chat GPT in my opinion children should use (AI)artificial intelligence with a parent or a trusted adult if under the age of 16 because it can be used harmfuly.
On the positive side AI can be used to predict natural disasters,help stop deforestation,and track
Endangered species to protect wildlife.AI(artificial intelligence) can be quit handy in classrooms,assisting teachers,and can even farming more efficient to reduce food waste.AI can make are lifes the best and way easier they can do all the work for us but AI is not the answer.
Yes AI can make are life easier but here are some of the negatives .
1.Training one small single AI model can be up to over 626,000 pounds of CO2, which is the equivalent of flying to New York to
London and back 300 times!
2.manufacturing AI powered chips and hardware releases toxic chemicals into the atmosphere
makeing pollution!
3.Finally AI data centres require millions of litter of water to make sure they cool down tha is not
good for our environment!
some other people my have different opinions but mine is that doctors and hospitals need AI so
I think AI should be used for only people who need it and that is my word!
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