AI: good or bad
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I think that certain people need more AI than others because if doctors don't know that someone is in trouble then they could suffer.AI helps lots of people when they need an operation or when someone needs help because if there was no AI and doctors then people would not be able to live.
AI can reduce traffic jams and can improve public transport, and even help develop electric self-driving cars that produce less pollution.This can reduce carbon dioxide witch is really good for the planet because if we use more carbon dioxide then we will make the planet warmer and the animals who live in the artic will die.
AI uses lots of energy and if we use AI too much then it can affect ourn mental health and we will be more grumpy.If we use too much AI it will increase the damage of global warming.
However, others might disagre because they migtht want to play on video games for hours and spend to much time on thier phones.If people continue to spend too much time on devices then they will not get enough excercise.
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