AI Is Not For Everyone

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Written standpoint on AI

Welcome to Willing_ladder. My favourite topic was Ai and Sustainability. My big question is should everybody be allowed to use AI .

I do not think everybody should be allowed to use AI. Why? Everybody should not be allowed to use AI because AI can sometimes be wrong . For example, when kids use AI to help them with their homework, it can sometimes be wrong. Another reason everyone should not be allowed to use AI is because of copyright problems. Sometimes if you search something up on Google it can be called copywriting. You can go to jail for copy writing and copying from Google or anything that uses AI, like Chat GPT. I feel like you should only use AI if you need it for something important. For example, parents may need to use it to help be better parents, like searching to see what foods are best for their babies. Sometimes teachers may use it to help them plan lessons to teach their students. So , sometimes we can trust it, but other times we can’t. So in my opinion, I do not think everybody should be allowed to use AI because sometimes it can be bad and sometimes it can be good.

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