AI is taking over!

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Written standpoint on AI

Will AI do more harm or more good in the world?

These past few years, AI technology has improved and changed very much. We can find AI in almost every job, most people are using it even for job interviews to make the interviewer give them the job much more easily. Even though this helps people, when the boss finds out that you don't act the way you described behind the computer screen, it will be a problem.

AI is already taking over many people's jobs and is making them jobless. In many factories around the world, people have lost their jobs because they were replaced by robots and even though it might be a good investment for the company not to pay monthly that many people, it's also hard for the people who have lost their jobs to find new ones to support their family financially. Did you know that 30% of workers worldwide fear that AI might replace their jobs within the next three years?

I think that we should let an actual human brain remain in every industry since AI doesn't have it's own mind or feelings, everything about it is artificial, the mentality is not the same as that of an actual person.

AI does of course have it's good sides, for example it is an important part of navigation apps since the voice used for directions is AI. If it hadn't existed, it would have been far less convenient for people to accurately find their way. And it is very helpful for research purposes since you can find out lots of things from using it without the need for searching through thousands of sites to find the exact thing you are looking for.

The apps ChatGPT, Read AI and many more helps kids with their assignments and homework everyday, everywhere in the world and, even though it might sound good since you can finish the homework faster, you won't be able to think logically and it takes away from your creativity since you don't need to use it anymore.

In conclusion, AI has taken over too much of the world and I think that people should start learning to do things on their own instead of relying on AI to do it for them.

Comments (3)

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  • In my opinion AI is taking over because of how much we use it if AI was to shut down us as a society we would collapse and not get up on our feet because of our generation relying on AI because we are use to it but for example if we was too go to our parents year then we wouldn't be as reliable to AI as we are now because when our parents where children it was new .When our children are older they will be even more controlled by AI and the worst bit about AI is the fact it could be controlled by people so we could actually be living in a tyrannized society meaning that we would be controlled cruelly by the person or people that created the most AI and the most popular that's why we should become less relying on AI there are lots of risks .

  • I agree with you because I also think that AI is taking over and it might be helpful, but if we allow it take over, it will bring bad effects to people. I believe that people need to think for themselves instead of always relying on AI to solve all their problems the brain is just like a muscles, the more you exert it the more it becomes stronger and efficient therefore, i think over depending on AI will make people lazy especially mentally which is bad for the society.

  • In my own opinion, I think that AI can harm you mentally because if you rely on AI to do everything, he/she will be mentally lazy, using AI too much can affect thinking ability, creative skills and solving problems critically. On the other, AI can help in house work , assignments, education, schools, hospitals and hotel. I think that if one can build brain capacity, use of AI can be a game changer.